Getting Started With Hugo

3 Mar 2018 - 7 minutes
I recently switched my site from WordPress to Hugo, a static site generator. I decided to leave WordPress for a few reasons: I don’t need many of its features, the security worries, and the slower page loads that come with it. While Hugo doesn’t provide a nice GUI CMS front end like WordPress, it fairly easy to navigate, and your pages and posts are written in Markdown and converted to a set of HTML pages and accompanying static files automatically.

Automounting A USB Drive In Raspbian

17 Jun 2017 - 4 minutes

So you’ve decided that you would like more storage for your Raspberry Pi. Perhaps you are using it as a NAS, a Plex server, or you have some large libraries you are using for programming, and your SD card just doesn’t the space. Luckily you have a spare USB thumb drive or hard drive lying around. You plug it in…wait for it…huh…Read on to learn how to get your USB drive to automount everytime your Pi boots.